Cannot we upgrade Exchane2007 sp2 Directly ?
Hi, I had one query to you which is Cannot we upgrade Exchange server 2007 Sp2 on mailbox server role,hubtransport role and client access server role without Exchange 2007 sp1 from these server roles so that will it be effect onthose server roles without installing exchange 2007 sp1runing on exchange 2007with windows server 2003 sp2.if upgrade exchange 2007 sp2runing on upgraded exchange 2007sp1are there any issues if any issuse on this scenorio please let me know .Thanks venkat .
December 3rd, 2009 3:46pm
Yes you can go directly to Echange 2007 SP2, issues are relative...we had some customers that OWA dindnt work anymore, Services like mailbox submission or transport does not start....on a server 2008 backup support using windows backup does not work truncation logs...2 first issues are already documented on the web...last one as i know is no yet completely resolved.CapecolMCSA - MCTS Exchange Server 2007
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December 4th, 2009 5:41am